MPE’s brand-new manufacturing facility unlocks greater capacity, leading to faster lead times

Aug 8, 2024Company News

MPE brand new manufacturing facility unlocks greater capacity

In a strategic move to accommodate growth and enhance service delivery, MPE Electronics has leased a new manufacturing facility at Riverside on the Bellbrook Business Park in Uckfield, East Sussex, close to our existing offices and units at Brambleside. This impressive new unit spans 2,064 square feet over two floors, and mirrors the capabilities of our existing manufacturing facilities.

This acquisition represents a significant milestone for MPE Electronics, reinforcing the company’s unwavering commitment to exceeding customer expectations and staying ahead of demand with enhanced operational capacity.

Nicola Evans, MPE’s Managing Director, says of the new site: “Following a two-year search for suitable space we have secured a new facility that is in close proximity to our existing units on the same estate. This will enable us to more efficiently manage our resources, with the potential benefits of faster lead times for our customers.”

Enhancing service capabilities

MPE Electronics’ expansion into another site has been fuelled by the need for more space to serve demand for their contract electronic manufacturing services. Even with existing manufacturing facilities operating at full capacity, the company was limited in taking on additional work. Acquiring the new unit not only alleviates those constraints but increases MPE’s capacity to handle a significantly larger volume of work from an existing customer, including box building, testing, inspection and despatch of their electronic products.

This exciting expansion marks a pivotal moment for MPE, as the company continues to grow and enhance its service capabilities.

“Unit 8 Riverside isn’t just about meeting the increased demands of one of our key customers. It opens up a world of possibilities for all our clients,” explains Paul Owen, MPE’s Production Manager. “With enhanced space and capabilities, we can offer more extensive services, including full box builds and through hole assembly if required. This expansion allows us to optimise workflows, boost productivity and maintain our high standards in electronic assembly.

“Increased capacity also means MPE can handle more custom projects, including intricate assembly processes and larger production runs. Our clients can now benefit from more options and greater flexibility for their projects.”

Operational continuity and long-term strategy

Readying the new site for operation promises zero disruption to current operations and uninterrupted service for customers. Since leasing the new premises, the company has been meticulously preparing the site for production to begin by mid-September.

The lease of the new facility, bringing the total number of production units to four, is another thrilling leap forward in MPE Electronics’ long-term strategy to excel in the electronic assembly industry and serve a diverse range of sectors.

“This additional space not only supports our current growth but also sets the stage for future expansions and service enhancements,” says Nicola Evans. “As well as elevating service levels for our current clients, it enables us to position ourselves to attract new business. We can now diversify our client portfolio and safeguard against potential losses and risks, ensuring continuous supply to our customers, as well as resilience and sustained growth.”

MPE Electronics is an established and experienced contract electronics manufacturer specialising in PCB assemblies and full box build assembly for a wide range of commercial and industrial businesses.

To find out how MPE Electronics’ PCB manufacturing and assembly services can benefit your business, contact our expert and friendly team on +44 (0)1825 764822 or